Feather Extentions

So I'm obsessed with feather accessories such as earrings and extensions and recently I purchased a few strands of different color extensions. I bought mine online because I found it was the cheapest and as well the easiest way of me to get them. I decided to put them on myself since it was cheaper and I found it was pretty easy to apply them on. You can always go have them put in or also use clips but I decided to use beads. I will link a video where you can see how easy it is to apply them and also the website where I bought mine. They are tons of sites you can buy them such as EBay, Amazon and wholesale sites.
I’ve had mine on for a week now and I love them, you treat them like your regular hair since mine are attached to my hair I wash them, straighten them and also curled them. They are soo cute and you can add different colors and different lengths to change your look. They should last up to 6-8 weeks and their really easy to take off.

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Where I bought my feather extensions: http://www.hautehairfeathers.com/

Another website is: http://www.hairflairs.com/

How to Apply them: AMIClubwear : Megan's Feather Extension Tutorial

Here are ones I bought:


Dark Purple Skinnies

Hot Pink Skinnies

Hot Pink Grizzly Skinnies

I have on Hot Pink Grizzly Skinnies


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